Bulgarian Journal of Psychiatry, 2021; 6(2):17-26
Impact of misophonia on the quality of sexual life
Oleg Banyra1,2, Oxana Jourkiv3, Oleg Nikitin4, Iryna Ventskivska5, Zvenyslava Kechur6, Viacheslav Didkovskiy7
1Department of Urology, St. Paraskeva Medical Centre, Lviv, Ukraine
2Department of Surgery, 2nd Lviv Municipal Polyclinic, Lviv, Ukraine
3Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, Child and Family Counseling Group, P.L.C., Fairfax, VA, United States of America
4Department of Urology, Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
5Department of Gynecology, Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
6Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, St. Paraskeva Medical Centre, Lviv, Ukraine
7Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract. Background. Misophonia as a selective “hatred of sound” has been poorly understood mental condition that characterized by extremely intense negative reaction of emotions, thoughts and behaviors to a specific trigger sound. Predominantly sound triggers are made by the human mouth/nose/ throat but may be environmental too. Individuals with misophonia (“misophonics”) may feel anxiety, panic and even rage when exposed to triggers, that impairs their ability to complete everyday tasks and engage in usual social activities and interactions as well as romantic relationships. Taking into account the presence of a certain proportion of misophonics among sexually active young people we aimed to establish the quality of sexual life (QoSL) in individuals with misophonia and their partners. Methods. We investigated QoSL in 67 individuals with misophonia and 67 their partners aged 23.8±5.2 years. Standard questionnaires Sexual Quality of Life-Female, Female Sexual Function Index, Sexual Quality of Life-Male and International Index of Erectile Function were used. Obtained data we compared with QoSL survey results in 67 couples without misophonia aged 24.1±5.7 years. Results. Individual scores characterizing QoSL in misophonics from both sexes and their partners are statistically significantly different from these indicators among their peers, volunteers without misophonia. In misophonics with comorbid mental disorders QoSL parameters are even lower. Conclusion. Misophonia is decreasing the quality of sexual life in sufferers both sexes and their partners. Comorbid mental and especially depressive disorders further aggravate QoSL in misophonics. Detailed study of the impact of misophonia on the sexual behavior requires future researches involving more patients.
Key words: misophonia, relationships, quality of sexual life, triggers
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