Classical psychiatric legacy
An excerpt from “Hypnotism, suggestion, psychotherapy. New studies” by H. Bernheim (1891)
Introduction to “The reasoning insanities. Delusion of interpretation” by P. Sérieux and J. Capgras (1909)
Excerpt from “Аttacks on linking” by W. Bion (1959, 1967, 2023)
“Varieties of theoretical antipsychiatry” by N. Schipkowensky
Excerpts from V. H. Kandinsky’s “On Pseudohallucinations” (1890) (Sequel)
Excerpts from W. H. Kandinsky’s „On Pseudohallucinations“ (1890)
„Paralogical thinking” by K. Zaimov (1973)
“The concept of illness in psychiatry” by J. Wing
Excerpts from “Psychology and psychopathology of the religious sentiment” by Ch. Petroff (1941). Part II
“Delusional behavior of patients with chronic delusion” by V. Magnan (1893)
„Our attitude towards death” by S. Freud (1915)
“La folie à deux” by C. Lasègue and J. Falret (1877)
“Delusion formation and its mechanisms” by K. Kirov (1980)
“The psychopathology of Pierre Janet and the dynamic conception in psychiatry” by H. Ey (1939)
Excerpts from “Firewalking” by E. Sharankov (1947)
„Clinical picture and course of the cycloid psychoses” by K. Leonhard (1972)
Excerpt from “Basics of psychiatric diagnostics” by K. Kirov (1991)
Еxcerpts from Chapter XIII, Paraphrenia, of E. Kraepelin’s Textbook of Psychiatry (1913)
Excerpts from “Athebrin psychoses” by G. Uzunoff (1946)
Excerpts from “The mental automatism” by de Clérambaut (1942)
Excerpts from “Psychology and psychopathology of the religious sentiment” by Ch. Petroff (1941)
Excerpts from the E. Kraepelin’s Textbook of Psychiatry (1913), 8th Edition
Fragments of “The alphabet of a paraphrenic patient” by Uzunoff and Zaimov (1972)