Echoes Sigmund Freud with his mother (1925), and with his sons (1915) Dr. Hristo Petrov and Dr. Emanuil Sharankov, Sofia, late 1930s of the 20th century Crib, Utica state hospital, New York, 1840 (The Burns Archive) „Drug addiction and drawing. The mystical symbolics in the pictures of a young drug addict” (A. Marinow, 1973) Anna and Sigmund Freud, International Psychoanalytic Congress, Hague, 1920 Excerpt from “Bulletin of the Bulgarian Psychiatric Association”, Issue 2, December 1992 Sewing class for women with dementia and deteriorated states, Utica state hospital, New York, XIX century (The Burns Archive) The White Lion, circa 1960’s Application of static sparks by Galvani’s method to a patient with psychosis and tabes dorsalis, France, circa 1850’s Alois Alzheimer, Emil Kraepelin, Robert Gaupp and Franz Nissl at the shore of the lake Starnberg, 1908 Statement about media appearances of members of the Bulgarian Psychiatric Association Academic Andrei Vladimirovich Snezhnevsky, author of a concept about schizophrenia with broad diagnostic boundaries and about the predetermined course of the endogenous psychosis, and leader of the Soviet psychiatry, visiting the University Psychiatric Clinic of the Higher Medical Institute Sofia in Alexandrovska Hospital, 1960’s The first photo of psychiatric patient in a medical journal – Revue photographique des hopitaux de Paris, 1871, vol. 3 Excerpt from “Chronicles” of the Medical Advances journal, 1902 Prof. Jules Masserman, future President of the American Psychiatric Association and President of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, with Bulgarian colleagues during his visit to Sofia, at the entrance of the University Psychiatric Clinic of the Higher Medical Institute Sofia in Alexandrovska Hospital, 1963 Prof. Nikola Schipkowensky and Prof. Viktor Frankl, Vienna, 1969, the Danube Symposium in Psychiatry The working team of the District psychoneurological hospital in Lovech at a May Day parade in the 1960’s The onset of electroconvulsive therapy in Bulgaria – Prof. A. Penchev and Assoc. Prof. H. Petrov, Psychiatric Clinic, Alexandrovska Hospital, 1942